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HASC Para-Athletics Training Workshop

A HASC Para-Athletics training workshop will take place on Sunday March 25th 2018 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Westmount Recreation Centre (35 Lynbrook Dr. Hamilton Ontario L9C 2K6). The program is FREE to attend.

Our Para-Athletics program is set to launch in May 2018, are we are providing training for volunteers and coaches who are interested in helping with this wonderful program! The program will involve both able bodied participants and participants with a disability. The activities are a track and field based, they include: seated throws, power wheeling, distance wheeling and various other activities.

Training Details:

  • Training is free and lunch will be provided
  • You will receive your Run Jump Throw Wheel (RJTW) NCCP certification
  • A RJTW training manual & lesson planning workbook will be provided
  • Training will be both in classroom and gym facilitated for hands on experience (please wear comfortable athletic attire)
  • Westmount Recreation Centre is accessible for everyone
  • Training is for able bodied volunteers and volunteers with a disability
  • Information Link for Run Jump Throw Wheel:

Training Goals:

  • To educate volunteers and coaches about Para-Athletics
  • Provide a hands on training experience using Para-Athletics equipment
  • Have volunteers and coaches be confident to run Para-Athletics programming

Feel free to visit our website for further information: Please RSVP by Sunday February 18th 2018, to confirm if you are able to attend the training. 

If you require any accommodations feel free to let me know and we will try our best to provide accommodation. If you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact Vanessa Sarjeant via email.

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