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World Police and Fire Games – Call for Volunteers

Athletics Manitoba

The 2023 World Police and Fire Games are coming to Winnipeg from July 28 to August 6!

Held every 2 years, the World Police and Fire Games is an Olympic style competition with more than 8,500 athletes representing law enforcement, firefighters, and police officers from more than 50 countries across the world.

Athletics Manitoba has been asked to host the track and field and the cross country event for the GAMES. The Athletics Host Organizing Committee is looking for volunteers for the event to be held at the U of Manitoba and Bird’s Hill Park.

We are looking for specific volunteers to be on the organizing committee:

Volunteer Coordinator – to check in and coordinate all the volunteers
Awards Coordinator – to coordinate all the award ceremonies at the track
Announcers – working as a Team member of the announcing team

As well, we are looking for general volunteers to work at field events, track events, in technology and on various other venue committees.

If interested, Contact Jim and Doreen Murray, at

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