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BC Athletics Officials Committee AGM Nov.7

BC Athletics

BC Athletics Officials Committee AGM Nov.7

Are you an Official?

Then make sure to register to attend the BC Athletics Officials Committee Annual General Meeting!

The AGM will include:

  • An Election of Committee Members
  • An Annual Report on activity
  • A special presentation on the Tokyo Olympic Officiating Experience
  • An update on plans for the 2022 Canadian T&F Championships (Langley) & 2022 BC Summer Games (Prince George).

If you have any other topics you'd like discussed, please contact Brian Thomson, Officials Committee Chair at:

AGM Details:

Date: Sunday, November 7, 2021

Location: Online via RingCentral

Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

Registration Site:

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 11:59pm


Brian Thomson
Officials Committee Chair

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