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It's Nominations Time for Recognition Awards + Hall of Fame

BC Athletics

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the 2020 Athletics season, which has called on our members – whether coaches, officials, administrators, volunteers, or athletes – to rise to the challenges by adapting and showing great resolve.

BC Athletics is honored to recognize and celebrate the exceptional service and performances of our members this year.

BC Athletics is currently accepting nominations to recognize:

  • Hall of Fame Inductions
  • Outstanding Athletic Performance in Cross Country
  • Outstanding Athletic Performance in Road Running
  • Outstanding Athletic Performance in Track & Field
  • Outstanding Service in Administration
  • Outstanding Service in Coaching
  • Outstanding Service in Officiating
  • Outstanding Volunteerism

Nomination Criteria

  • Hall of Fame nominees:
    • Criteria for Hall of Fame nominees can be found here
  • Outstanding Athletic Performance nominees:
    • Must hold a BC Athletics Competitive Membership (U16, U18, U20, Senior, Masters)
    • Must have achieved their performance result in a sanctioned competition
    • Recipients will be selected by the corresponding BC Athletics Committee.
    • Factors considered in recognition will include Provincial, National or World Record performances and National Team selection
  • Outstanding Service & Volunteerism nominees:
    • Must hold a BC Athletics Membership that corresponds to their role
    • Recipients will be selected by the corresponding BC Athletics committee.

Nomination Forms

  • Hall of Fame nominations can be completed here
  • Outstanding Athletic Performance nominations can be completed here
  • Outstanding Service / Volunteerism nominations can be completed here

Nomination Deadline: Friday, January 8th, 2021 


Sabrina Nettey
Introductory Programs Coordinator

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