18 juin, 2018
Athletics Canada announced on June 14 that 42 members have been selected to represent Canada at...
Athletics Ontario
22 Ontario Athletes Named to Jamaican U18 Invitational Team Lire la suite
16 juin, 2018
Athletics Alberta
Calgary Track Takeover Lire la suite
Full Story:
BC Athletics
BC Athletics Announces 2018 BC Junior & Senior Track & Field Teams Lire la suite
15 juin, 2018
The Royal Canadian Legion District meets are taking place this weekend and next, across the...
Upcoming Royal Canadian Legion Meets Lire la suite
14 juin, 2018
On Tuesday June 12, Athletics Canada put on an event in Nathan Phillips Square to showcase the...
NPS Track and Field Takeover Lire la suite
2018 BC Athletics Track & Field Championships Jamboree Lire la suite
13 juin, 2018
Mae Palm, 1939 – 2018 Lire la suite
For the past decade, with the help of many of you in every part of Ontario, we have been able...
Ontario Coaching Excellence Award Nominations Lire la suite
11 juin, 2018
JD Pentathlon Championship Registration Deadline Approaching Lire la suite
From June 7-9, 2019, the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) Track and...
Canadian, Interscholastic and Personal Records Broken This Weekend at OFSAA! Lire la suite
8 juin, 2018
BC Endurance Project High School XC Camp Lire la suite
7 juin, 2018
Earlier this week, Athletics Canada released a statement regarding “Sport without Abuseâ€...
#AbuseFreeSport Initiative Lire la suite
6 juin, 2018
Beginning tomorrow, the OFSAA Track and Field Championships are taking place at York Lions...
2018 OFSAA Track and Field Championships Lire la suite
4 juin, 2018
BC Athletics Announces BC Para-Athletics Team Criteria For the 2018 Para-Athletics Canadian Championships Lire la suite
2018 Harry Jerome Scholarship Award Winners Announced Lire la suite
We were honoured to have been invited to Montreal, QC this past weekend to take part in a...
AO Outdoor Combined Events Championship – Final Results Lire la suite
2 juin, 2018
After the first day of our Combined Events Championship in Montreal, here’s a look at where...
AO Outdoor Championship – Day One Results Lire la suite
1 juin, 2018
This weekend, Athletics Ontario will be co-hosting the first Outdoor Combined Events meet in...
AO Outdoor Championship Meet #2 – Event Preview Lire la suite
31 mai, 2018
Par Fédération québécoise d'athlétisme
Montréal (31 mai 2018) - Après deux années de...
Athlétisme Québec
Organisateurs de courses, voici votre guide des services médicaux pour les événements de course à pied Lire la suite
30 mai, 2018
Full Story: http://www.bcathletics.org/News/rob-daniel-1939-2018/2783/
Rob Daniel, 1939 – 2018 Lire la suite
Full Story: http://www.bcathletics.org/News/global-running-day-june-6-2018/2782/
Global Running Day, June 6, 2018 Lire la suite
We need volunteers who are willing and able to help out at our Outdoor Championship Series Meet...
Calling All Volunteers! Lire la suite
Para Athletics ‘Try It Day!’ Lire la suite
28 mai, 2018
The International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF), in cooperation with Athletics...
Global Running Day 2018 Lire la suite
26 mai, 2018
Par Laurent Godbout
Montréal (26 mai 2018) - La Soirée Homard & Vin de la FQA va de succès en...
Nouveau sommet pour la soirée homard & vin de la fqa Lire la suite
NCCP Club Coach + Harry Jerome Mentorship! Lire la suite
24 mai, 2018
23 mai, 2018
Call for Bids to Host the BC Cross Country Championships in 2019 & 2020 Lire la suite
19 mai, 2018
Thank You Maurice Wilson – Welcome Clifton (Clif) Cunningham Lire la suite
18 mai, 2018
2018 Alberta Legion Team Staff & Standards Lire la suite
17 mai, 2018
Alberta’s Best Road Race 2017 Lire la suite
Annual Awards Banquet and Nominees Lire la suite
Christa Bortignon and Maureen de St Croix 2018 CMA Hall of Fame Inductees Lire la suite
Full Story: http://www.bcathletics.org/News/track-rascals-logo-contest-ends-soon/2770/
Track Rascals Logo Contest Ends Soon Lire la suite
15 mai, 2018
Alberta Summer Games Trials Lire la suite
11 mai, 2018
Registration Now Open For BC JD Championships Lire la suite
9 mai, 2018
BC Endurance Project Whistler Cross Country Camp Lire la suite
7 mai, 2018
Full Story: http://www.bcathletics.org/News/clinics-and-workshops-for-officials/2774/
Clinics and workshops for Officials Lire la suite
Source: Fédération québécoise d'athlétisme
Montréal (7 mai) - Deux bonnes nouvelles pour le...
Appel aux candidatures pour le nouveau poste d'entraîneur-chef des équipes du québec et d'un centre provincial d'excellence en athlétisme Lire la suite
Full Story: http://bmovanmarathon.ca/recap-2018
Watson and Jones, 2018 BC Marathon Champions Lire la suite
4 mai, 2018
Par Denis Poulet
Montréal - À sa réunion printanière du 18 avril, le Comité des records de la...
Le comité des records homologue 86 records pour la saison en salle 2017-2018 Lire la suite
3 mai, 2018
Par Bernard Lachance
Montréal (3 mai) - Un bel honneur rejaillit sur le Québec et ses athlètes...
Vétérans hors-stade: louise voghel, athlète canadienne de l'année 2017 Lire la suite
2 mai, 2018
BC Athletics Summer Student Employment Opportunities Lire la suite
Source: Marathon international Oasis de Montréal
Montréal (2 mai) - Le Marathon international...
Marathon international oasis de montréal 2018: cinq nouveaux parcours et une programmation culturelle entièrement renouvelée Lire la suite
1 mai, 2018
Athletics Ontario is looking for eight (8) students for limited-term (30 hours per week for 8...
HIRING: AO Summer Student Job Opportunities Lire la suite
Par Sport'Aide
Montréal (1er mai) - C'est hier le 30 avril, en présence de M. Sébastien Proulx,...
Lancement du service d'écoute sport'aide pour les athlètes Lire la suite
27 avril, 2018
LOCATION: Athletics Canada’s East Hub (York University, Toronto, Canada)DIVISION: High...
Job Opportunity: Hub Lead for Athletics Canada Lire la suite
26 avril, 2018
2018 Harry Jerome Scholarship Application Deadline Fast Approaching Lire la suite